Virgin Islands & Puerto Rico Over Half a Century of Friendship

by Domitila Vargas, Friendship Committee
It’s not by chance that the celebrations of the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico Friendship take place during the National Hispanic Heritage Month. Just like the rest of the nation’s Hispanics, Puerto Ricans in the territory have contributed greatly to society. And the recognition to those contributions is a debt of gratitude from the American people through the Presidential Proclamation to that effect since 1968.
Even before that historic year, friendship between these two communities has been history in the making. Puerto Ricans are part of the fiber of these islands since the early past century and maybe from way before. They have contributed to forge the islands’ history and are proud of it. The 1964 change of the Columbus holiday to that of Virgin Islands-Puerto Rico Friendship Day, by the Legislature (Law 2019) was a most deserved recognition of those strong ties and longstanding contributions.
The Virgin Islands-Puerto Rico Friendship Committee works diligently every year to make these celebrations especially happy and educational. With a high historic, educational, and cultural content. Everybody is invited to celebrate and enjoy the scheduled events in unity and love.
This year the community will be as pleased as always, with the host of festivities and events planned for this important “fiesta” from September 15 to October 15. They will include, among others, the traditional Gospel Night, the Friendship Queen Coronation, a 5k Marathon, Softball/Football tournaments with local teams and from Puerto Rico, the Governor’s Awards Night. Also in the works is the Friendship Parade, the visit of representatives from government dignitaries from Puerto Rico, as well as several educational/artistic groups who will delight students in our local schools, and will also be part of other activities on calendar. The highlight, as always, will be the Friendship Village which will be named in memory of our 1st Hispanic Queen, NEREIDA SANTOS (1960), recently departed, and it promises to be an unforgettable one with the best of the popular music from Puerto Rico and local bands, to include the one and only Stanley and the Ten Sleepless Knights.
Virgin Islands & Puerto Rico Over Half a Century of Friendship
Virgin Islands & Puerto Rico Over Half a Century of Friendship

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